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Commonly used Logical Functions

In this section, we have explained about commonly used logical function IF with different operators like >, AND, OR, NOT etc. You can see those different functions under FORMULASArrowLOGICAL.

The IF Function has three arguments Logical_Test, Value_If_True, Value_If_False. In the formula, these three arguments are separated by COMMAS.

  • Argument 1 - Logical Test: What has to be tested?
  • Argument 2 - Value_If_True: If the tested condition returns a value TRUE, what has to be done?
  • Argument 3 - Value_If_False: If the tested condition returns a value FALSE, what has to be done

Logical IF function in Excel 2013
Logical IF function in Excel 2013

Logical Table
Logical Table

You can also use formula in argument 1 and argument 2 and argument 3.

IF Function and ">" Operator

Formula =IF((E13*12)>200000,"Tax Deduction","No Tax Deduction")

Name: John

Operator: >

Condition: When yearly salary is greater than 200,000, tax deduction applied. Since John's yearly salary(120,000) is less than 200,000.

Result: No Tax Deduction

IF function and using "AND" Condition

Formula: =IF (AND (H17="y", G17>40),"Promotion OK","Wait for Promotion")

Name: Sheela

Operator: AND

Condition: If Gender is Y and age greater than 40. Since Sheela's gender is Y (condition satisfied) and age greater than 40 (condition not satisfied).

Result: Wait for Promotion

IF function and using "OR" Condition

Formula =IF(OR(H13="X", H13="Y"),"Promotion OK","Wait for Promotion")

Name: John

Operator: OR

Condition: When Gender = X or Y Since Johns gender is X, it has met one of the condition X OR Y.

Result: Promotion OK

How to use IF in DATE Function?

Formula =IF(DAYS(2/16/2015, 2/16/2014) >= 365, "Senior", "Junior")

DAYS(2/16/2015, 2/16/2014) >= 365: In the first argument, the formula checks whether difference between those two days is greater than or equal to 365.

If it is TRUE, it return the value Senior.

If it is FALSE, it returns the value Junior.

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