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Commonly used DATE and TIME Functions

The date functions used in Excel 2013 are: date, datevalue, day, days, days360, edate, eomonth, hour, isweeknum, minute, month, networkdays, newworkdays.intl, now, second, time, timevalue, today, weekday, weeknum, workday, workday.intl, year, yearfrac and we will be explaining some commonly used functions.

Date has part like Year, Hour and Minute; Time has parts like Hours, Minutes, Seconds, AM/PM.

DATE & TIME Functions Examples

  • =TODAY(): There are no arguments for this function. It returns the current date (example 2/16/2014 8:24).
  • =NOW(): There are no arguments for this function. It returns the current date and time (example 2/16/2014 8:24).
  • =YEAR(2/16/2014): This function has 1 argument. This would return 2014. i.e the year part.
  • =MONTH(2/16/2014): This function has 1 argument. This would return 2. i.e the month part
  • =DAY(2/16/2014): This function has 1 argument. This would return 16. i.e the day part
  • =HOUR(NOW ()).This function has 1 argument. This would return hour as 10. (When we type this formula time 10:17:21 AM AND DATE IS 16TH February 2014).
  • =SECOND(NOW()). This function has 1 argument. This would return 21.
  • =ISOWEEKNUM: Returns number of the ISO week number of the year for a given date.
  • Start Date = 2/16/2014; End Date = 2/16/2015:
    • =NETWORKDAYS (2/16/2014, 2/16/2015, 0). This would return 261 as the number of days between those dates. First argument is the start date and second argument is the end date and third argument is no of holidays and we have entered it as 0.
    • =WORKDAY (2/16/2014, 261, 0). This would return 1/16/2015, which is the end date of the project. First argument is the start date and second argument is the end date and third argument is no holidays and we have entered it as zero.
    • =DAYS (2/16/2015, 2/16/2014). This would return 365 as the number of days between those dates. First argument is the end date and second argument is the start date.

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